  • 809.226.8686 ext. 4516
Carolina Taveras testimony

My name is Carolina as a young woman who had had a constant struggle with being overweight, which reverberated in my social and daily life, besides representing a threat to my health.

After having tried many methods to lose weight, I got in some cases reduce certain amount of pounds, however, never managed to maintain a steady weight loss or long-term.

Finally opted for Bariatric Surgery with Dr. Abreu, who explained in detail everything that he wanted and needed to know and give Testimony of the Life Change ever since. The Surgery was as such a process without trauma or Pain more than a normal Recovery as a simple laparoscopic Intervention and to date I have enjoyed the Personal support of this excellent Specialist who has treated me with a focused and motivated, professional and humane treatment.

The results did not wait for the first few weeks it was obvious weight loss achieved. Adapting to the new way of eating was much simpler than in any previous attempt because, by having the stomach smaller, did not have to stay hungry.

Today I achieved my ideal weight (something that I myself believe me) I lost 112 pounds and yes, I'm skinny! this makes me feel safer, have a more practical life.

* None of the results are 100% guaranteed, all results can vary from person to person.