Bariatric Surgery: Advantages, disadvantages and potential risks
To be well built the advantages, Benefits and disadvantages of Bariatric Surgery, it is necessary to know clearly the context of Obesity and its consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity has reached epidemic porporciones globally, is no longer a problem confined to the industrialized and Rich, but its prevalence in lower income countries is alarming. It has been determined that die each year as a minimum, 2.8 million people due to Obesity and overweight.
The Who diagnosis when an obese person has a BMI greater than 30 kg / square meters. This rate is determined by dividing the weight expressed in kg, between the Squared height in meters. Another parameter that takes into account the ratio and distribution of Fat, the man is considered normal for 30% of its weight is represented by fat, while women only 25% respectively. Likewise, the waist circumference in the man should not spend 102 cm and 88 Women. This last parameter is also an Index of coronary risk.
We must remember that obesity is a Systemic disease of multifactorial origin that obese patients may be suffering from any disease of its Status as the hipertesion hypertension, Type II diabetes, sleep apnea, cholesterol and High triglycerides, Coronary Artery Disease, arthropathy, respiratory disorders, metabolic syndrome. We also know that this Patient has a predisposition to suffer from Polycystic Ovarian, Breast, Ovary, uterus, gastroentestinales Disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, fatty liver, psychological disorders, such as Depression, Isolation, Low self-esteem, skin diseases, and other Pathological conditions that we will not enumerate here.
View obesity in its true dimension and its impact on the health of the individual and in the light of global experience in the subject, Bariatric Surgery is a valuable and effective treatment option if and when taking into account the requirements of Technical, Scientific and Human available today. Currently in the United States of America are doing 200 procedures per year and Rising. In Spain 400000, to name just two examples. According to the National Institute of Health in the United States the Bariatric Surgery is the most effective treatment, All exist to achieve a significant reduction of weight. Treatment is the only Sustainable in time for the next to maintain ideal weight.
The patient who is to undergo Bariatric Surgery must be carefully selected and evaluated by an interdisciplinary team of Physicians familiar with obesity. The benefits of Bariatric Surgery are clearly defined and guaranteed by multiple studies to monitor long-term in various Centres of the World. You must select the most appropriate Technique for each patient, it means that not all techniques are suitable for All patients, to identify the particular situation of each case. Bariatric Surgery is indicated when other methods have failed and treatments to achieve a significant reduction of weight. The different diets, physical exercises and existing treatments until today have accomplished that only 5% of the obese can reduce and maintain an appropriate weight. Surgery is indicated when the individual has a Body Mass Index over 35 or lower rate but with a morbidity of Obesity and the hipertesión Blood, diabetes, etc.
We must remember that Bariatric Surgery is not a cosmetic procedure and that many of the potential complications are often seen frequently in patients who do not have a Clear indication of the operation. The Plastic Surgeon is part of the multidisciplinary team that participates in the management of these patients, its role is crucial in the post bariatric, the residual Correction of Sagging abdomen, thigh, and in some cases Brachial fascial. The Elimination of sagging recomiento preferably after 18 months, when it is established and stabilized the effect of Bariatric Surgery.
Logically that Bariatric Surgery, like all works made by Man, it is not infallible and therefore is not free of Complications, although it is true that the Advancement of Science and Technology, today gives us an impressive Safety, noting that follow one another Complication. There are complications that are specific to each technique in particular, such as complications gastric bypass are not the same as that of the gastric sleeve, to mention some differentiation. It has been determined that for every 300 bypass a Death occurs. Bariatric Surgery in many of the complications are inherent to any other laparoscopic procedure performed under General anesthesia, typical of the Invasive manipulation, from a simple infection of the cracks of the trocars, a lung infection, until a major Complication such as Bleeding that requires immediate conversion to open Surgery Variety.
A serious Complication to take into account in the obese patient is pulmonary thromboembolism, why take all preventive measures to avoid known as intermittent Pneumatic leg compression, low molecular weight heparin and early ambulation of the patient. Specific complications and feared the gastric sleeve, such as leakage of gastric stapling and stenosis or stricture, is seen in less than 1% Fortunately. Gastric bypass patients should be given Vitamin b-12 and folic acid, Iron Forever, if not be deficiency of these elements. Patients undergoing gastric Sleeve may need these Vitamins transiently 3 or 4 months after, this procedure is the most Physiological of bariatric, therefore the better adaptability and requires less long-term follow-up. Is not associated with Peptic Ulcer disease or a Syndrome of stomach surgery, as often seen occasionally in gastric exclusion techniques. We should mention that the calculations of gallbladder and biliary disorders are more frequent in both pre and postoperatively in these patients. As a Key advantage to other methods of treatment of Obesity must emphasise that Bariatric Surgery, at least two techniques most used in the World, The sleeve and gastric bypass, produce a resolution or Healing of Diabetes in 92% of cases and hypertension in 86%. Dyslipidemia in 84%, substantial Improvement of arthropathy of the spine, knees, ankles, and many other benefits, social, psychological, sexual, Reproductive, productive, etc.